Sign up to be a Community Partner with Mary Evans Elementary PTA!


The Mary Evans Elementary PTA works to support many fun and enriching programs and activities for our students, parents, and staff. Please consider helping us do this by becoming a PTA Community Partner today.  


There are 4 Partnership Levels:


Purple Level - $300 Annual Partnership Includes:

  • Your company logo / hyperlink displayed on our website
  • Your company logo / hyperlink featured quarterly in the Rider Review email newsletter (distributed to over 600 students, parents and school staff).
  • A Mary Evans PTA Community Sponsor yard sign.
  • Your company logo featured on Evans PTA Facebook page once in the Fall and once in the Spring.


Black Level - $500 Annual Partnership Includes:

  • All Purple level benefits plus:
  • Your company logo featured on Evans PTA Facebook page twice in the Fall and twice in the Spring.
  • The opportunity to have business cards, pamphlets, coupons or samples displayed in multiple teachers’ lounges.
  • The opportunity to present at a PTA Board Meeting one time.
  • Your company included in our online PTA Directory.
  • Your company name displayed on screen prior to start of PTA Membership Meetings (5 per school year).
  • Your marketing materials displayed on a table at Mary Evans PTA Membership Meetings (5 per school year).


Platinum Level - $1,000 Annual Partnership Includes:

  • All Purple and Black level benefits plus:
  • Your company logo on Evans PTA Facebook page three times in the Fall and three times in the Spring
  • $500 of your sponsorship will go directly towards a teacher appreciation breakfast or lunch and $150 will go towards “stocking the pantry” in the teachers’ lounge.  
  • The opportunity to have a table at family-focused school events including PTA Membership meetings, Movie Night, Open House, and Corky’s Jamboree our fall festival (we can provide dates if you are interested in having a table at any of these events with your marketing materials).


Diamond Level - $1,500 Annual Partnership Includes:

  • All Purple, Black, and Platinum level benefits plus:
  • Your company logo on back pack tags for every Evans student backpack (1 opportunity available), OR the sponsorship of one of the major events this school year (Movie Night, Science Night, Art Night, Game Night, etc.).


Sponsorship checks can be made out to Mary Evans Elementary PTA, 1225 Walnut Springs Dr, Allen, TX 75013. Please send your company logos and website information via email to so we can get your logos up on our website and our social media platforms.



Upcoming Events

PTA Calendar

Subscribe to the Evans PTA calendar to automatically populate events into your Android or iOS calendar.

We love our Community Partners!

We are so grateful to our PTA Community Partners. Their generous donations help keep our programs going.

Do you want to see your company's logo here?

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