Download the all new Mary Evans PTA Membership Toolkit App!
You can also download here for Apple, and here for Google!


Joining us and play Mary Evans PTA BINGO!



Activate your membership now for the 2024-2025 school year.

Joining the PTA is easy!

Pick your membership type (single, family or bundle) and pay for your PTA membership by credit card. You will automatically be entered into our online membership database.

Why Join the PTA?

Every member strengthens the PTA's ability to lobby our state legislature on education related laws. There is power in numbers. Our membership numbers prove there are parents and teachers passionate about public education.

Your membership and donation support:  

  • In-class learning aids like BrainPop and PebbleGo
  • Student scholarships and teacher grants
  • Reflections Art Contest
  • House t-shirts and spirit wear
  • 6th grade events
  • Corky's Jamboree, Veteran's Day Celebration, and Field Day
  • Book fair and author visits
  • Science Night and World Culture Night
  • Monthly teacher appreciation treats
Check out a list of all the awesome PTA programs.
Thank you for supporting your Evans PTA! 




Who is ready for all new, never before seen Mary Evans Spiritwear?! Our Spiritwear sale is live! 🏇
Order here!

Click here to order!


Join grade-specific Facebook groups to connect and share information.


These pages are maintained by parents and will change as the students advance through the grades. If you know of a page to add or information that needs correcting, please contact


Volunteers needed!

As we start the new school year, please take a moment to fill out a Volunteer Interest Form. This will not commit you to anything immediately, this just lets us know what types of activities you are interested in.



Important! All on-campus volunteers must have an approved AISD Volunteer Application on file. It can take up to 2 weeks to complete and must be completed each school year.




 Register or Login

 If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,
you can use the same log-in here. Need more information?  



Upcoming Events

PTA Calendar

Subscribe to the Evans PTA calendar to automatically populate events into your Android or iOS calendar.

We love our Community Partners!

We are so grateful to our PTA Community Partners. Their generous donations help keep our programs going.

Do you want to see your company's logo here?

Become a Sponsor

Find us on socials
