This website is your connection to events at Evans Elementary, other students and parents through the school directory, information on programs provided by the PTA, our school scrapbook and FAQs for new parents. Follow these steps to get the most out of our site.
Create an account to be included in our system. This is not the same as becoming a PTA member (which we highly recommend), as your yearly membership supports our school programs. Registering to have access to the school directory and email communication is FREE to all Evans families.
Get our auto-updated calendar connected to your digital calendar. Never miss out when you're synced to the Evans calendar.
Purchase spirit wear, membership and class shirts through the link on the homepage and/or our online store.
Find volunteer opportunities to show students and teachers how you value your child's educations.
Thank you,
Your Mary Evans PTA
Upcoming Events
Subscribe to the Evans PTA calendar to automatically populate events into your Android or iOS calendar.
- Wednesday, February 26
- Friday, March 14
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Thursday, March 20
- Friday, March 21
We love our Community Partners!
We are so grateful to our PTA Community Partners. Their generous donations help keep our programs going.
Do you want to see your company's logo here?