New to Evans? 
Here are answers to some common questions.


What time does school start?

School begins at 7:45 a.m. and students should be dropped off no later than 7:40 a.m. to allow time to reach the classroom by 7:45 a.m. Students are expected to be in their classrooms ready for announcements at 7:45 a.m. Students entering the building after 7:45 a.m. will need to stop by the front office to get a tardy slip to take to their teacher.


How early should I bring my child to school?

Doors will open at 7:30 and students in all grades will report directly to their classrooms. Students who would like to eat breakfast should report to the Evans Cafeteria upon arrival.


Should I walk my child to his or her classroom?

According to established AISD procedures, parents may walk their children into the building this school year for the first three days of each school year. We ask that you encourage your child to walk on their own as quickly as possible so they know they are capable and so they begin establishing some independence. Staff members are on duty throughout the building to assist students.


What time is school dismissed?

All grades are dismissed at 2:55 p.m. All students should be picked up no later than 3:05 p.m.


What happens if an emergency prevents me from arriving by 3:05 p.m.?

Please call the school office at (972) 747-3373 as soon as possible to let us know you will be late. When you arrive to pick up your child, please ring the buzzer at the front door by the flagpole to sign him/her out. No students will be allowed to wait outside the school building for pick-up after 3:05 p.m.


What happens if my child forgets their lunch or snack?

Forgotten items may be dropped off at the front desk. To assist students in gaining independence please limit delivery of items to those that are absolutely necessary.


May I eat lunch with my child?

We look forward to welcoming parents back to campus this year! We ask that parents allow our students and staff two weeks with no lunch visitors to allow consistent practice in cafeteria procedures and processes. We respectfully request that you plan your lunch visit after Aug 28, 2023.


What security measures do you have in place in order to ensure the safety of my child(ren)?

Allen ISD utilizes video intercom systems to gain access to our buildings, controlled access on all perimeter doors, HD quality surveillance video cameras, and 24 hour security monitoring systems that track visitors, students and faculty. All visitors to campus will be screened. Parents who need assistance should call the Evans office or ring the buzzer at the front door by the flagpole to speak to the campus receptionist.


Can my child bring technology devices to school?

Yes. Allen ISD will provide all students with a technology device. These devices will remain on campus for students in Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grades. Teachers of students in 3rd-6th Grades may send devices home for use in homework and other assignments. Please make sure that your child brings their device to school each day.


Allen ISD allows cell phones on campuses for safety purposes. However these devices must remain turned off during the instructional day, including during all testing, unless they are being used for approved instructional purposes.


What should I do if my child is feeling ill?

Parents should screen children daily and not send a child to campus if the child has COVID-19 symptoms, is lab-confirmed with COVID-19, or has had close contact with an individual who is lab-confirmed with COVID-19. Please report the absence to the front office and call the nurse with any questions.


Who's Corky?

Corky is our school's mascot. He's a pony express rider's favorite horse. We are the Evans Express Riders and our school colors are purple and silver.


What Does Purple Side / Silver Side Mean?

Our school has two drop-off/pick-up locations, the front doors are for buses only during these busy times. Silver side faces the playground and Purple side faces the large side parking lot. 


What's Corky's Cookout?

This is the PTA's fall social event. The PTA provides food and entertainment but mainly it's for parents, teachers and students to get to know one another better.


What are Wednesday folders?

On Wednesday the school will send home a purple folder with all your school communication. Some of it will be student papers, some PTA flyers and the rest are other flyers from the district or kid-related businesses.


What is Skyward?

It's an online system for official school communication and the posting grades. Sign up at


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